mabelhenry profile image77


Joined 10 years ago from Harrisburlg, Pennsylvania Last activity 3 weeks ago

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    Truth the Journey Through the Soul (Clearing the Path) Informative Truth

    3 weeks ago

    How one is informed is crucial to being informed about truth. Truth is a leader, not a follower. It produces more leaders than followers. How to use truth is the real issue. When to use it, all the time.

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    Living in the "ING" not the "ED"

    5 weeks ago

    Past, present, and future are issues one must face, and embrace to live the truth. The wreckless past is a ghost and haunting the present must come to terms with. Living the now moments before they move along and pass away

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    Truth the Journey Through the Soul (Clearing the Path) Omitted Truth

    5 weeks ago

    An admission to the self about the self will help in not hoarding sins of omission but, rather releasing pent-up information to repentant correction and give way to clearing the path to truth only you can prove. Admissiion provides light, omission protect the darkness sin hides in.

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    In Life there is Tragedy?

    7 weeks ago

    I have no counsel or advice on how to cope with tragedy or trauma. Merely expression via words when the eruption or interruption happens. The way of rising differs for each individual, the main thing is look up.

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    Truth the Journey Through the Soul (Clearing the Path) Sensual Truth

    2 months ago

    Shapened in iniquities or (lawlessness) or shapened in lawfulness. Less and full are the issues. The lesser is a state of using law to the diminishing factor of less instead of towards fullness.

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) - Offensive Truth

    3 months ago

    Offensive truth is the most omitted one of all. It lurks within for answers it does not yet have at its avail. Omitted truth is not a lie, it is an omission of pieces of informational truth that one can not access for any required agreement to be made. It is a part of truth one decides to omit.

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) Volitional Truth

    3 months ago

    Now, repenting is the stance of all that I hope for, the evidence is in doing what the word implies, progressing in a change of mind, applying correction continuously, and being a doer of the work of repenting, not merely a hearer only with the ability to deceive myself.

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) Emotional Truth

    3 months ago

    Emotional truths must be ascertaining giving genuine ideas as part of reality. The emotional state plays an enormous role in establishing stability from within. Giving self-healthy feelings that are affordable on every level and at every stage of development and produces a caregiver not a taker.

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) - The Memory

    3 months ago

    The memory relies on time to help settle and solve one's past experiences. It relies on every staff member of the soul to prove the value and worth of the soul. A soul is a terrible thing to waste. What is self profiting if it gains the whole world at the expense of the soul without ever repenting?

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) - Selective Truth

    4 months ago

    Selecting to tell the truth is under the election process, either a decision will be made to vote for and elect the truth or the selection will yield not to tell the truth, nevertheless a decision must be rendered.

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    Truth the Journey through the Soul (Clearing the Path) - Intentional Truth

    3 months ago

    Truth is an honorable standard to observe at all times. There are levels and stages of it that one must embrace with integrity. Growth and development depend upon intentional truth.

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    4 months ago

    Peace brings and sends, comes and goes just to return again and again. What a cherishable gift. Mercy walks with peace everywhere it goes, when peace is still mercy is still moving, because peace requires reflection.

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    "It Is Written" Scripted and Typed

    5 months ago

    The premise is more of a key to understanding Scripture for differentiating between what is scripted and typed. The ancient or old writings lend toward script and the new lends toward what is typed. Both carry the idea of "It is Written" for the premise.

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    Subliminal Wonders

    6 months ago

    Subliminal is of a stimulus or mental process above the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.

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    Hearing the Heart (Prayer is the Evidence)

    8 months ago

    Hear to listen, listen to hear; listening is ongoing and progressive. The ears are needed and used, but, perception is intentional. Line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and there to identify the premise.

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    Repentance the Lawful Work of Grace

    8 months ago

    Repentance is the Law of Grace over Tithe - Without it, there is no remission of sin or unrepentance.

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    "Go All the Way With "Repentance"

    8 months ago

    All the way to, and through repentance. It is the only ritual to ever perform, the only sacrifice to make, it is the cleanser that makes thanks and praise pure worship. Repentance before every breath breathed leads to life unending. The sorrow and grief will direct you.

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    Worship or Warship

    10 months ago

    Worship is artistic. It has carried composers, directors, singers, speakers, and an innumerable host of beings. All carried by one force, breath! Good breath is understood by humanity, it's how to keep it good where the struggle lies. Keeping the principles of law is a healthy start.

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    Exclusively - Prose

    15 months ago

    Loving is exclusive, it sets apart, and separates to distinguish, contrasting feelings from emotions. It calms the storms within inviting kindness and mercy to be welcomed guests for the journey from glory to glory.

  • Every Breath of the Way

    Every Breath of the Way

    15 months ago

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    Thou Shalt Not Steal

    16 months ago

    The wonderful counsel this incentive gives life cannot be measured in deeds or acts alone. Theft is sub-human, it will subtract the nutrients needed for a prosperous life. Yet, theft is noised abroad as if it is a virtue, It is not a virtue giving is the virtue, not taking, all a thief does is take.

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    An Accusation can be the Trailblazer to Self Consciousness/Awareness

    17 months ago

    The law accuses of sin, sin wouldn't be acknowledged without the law. Sin is still a transgression of the law. It is walking past the law with no regard for counsel or might. Trans means beyond, and Gress means moving or stepping. In other words, walking with no law is sin, iniquity, and lawlessnes.

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    13 months ago

    The purity that protects from the inside, continuously monitoring and identifying threats at every stage of development is repentance.

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    Peddlers, Pushers, Me, You, Us - "Repentance Over Us All"

    19 months ago

    We the people, who are they? I thought, citizens, civilians, inhabitants, ordinary people striving to make life a success. Interwoven in society are those who corrupt to interrupt, is we applicable? Sinner is the blending found in we today until repentance questions we as whose people, and opt out.

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    The Unbreakable Law

    19 months ago

    The Created words are the unbreakable Law. The law is not breakable because who created all can never be broken; I can, and you can be what is called broken. I can have a broken heart, spirit, mind and soul that only law can manage to enable me to put the pieces in the working order they should be.

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    Is Adultery a Real Issue or Merely a Sin?

    20 months ago

    Adultery is a real issue, and two or more consenting adults are the reason that it is an issue, but why? Was consent to adulthood ignored or rejected? Taking heed how things are seen is worthwhile because changing what you see may not be possible, if you choose to see it through the wrong lens.

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    You Turn -"U-Turn"

    20 months ago

    U turn is a mature and adult matter mainly to explain that individualism is the thrust of the life form that spills over for the heritage of the children. They probably won't know a u-turn until they drive, but should be aware of the you turn towards the Creator sooner than vehicular experiences.

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    Confessions Are Just

    20 months ago

    Repentance turns on the light in the soul, it is the equivalence of turning on the light switch literally, it expel darkness.

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    Define to Align - "Shifting"

    20 months ago

    Align Creation with Creation, God with God. Angels with Angels. Man with Man, Woman with Woman, without sex. Did the Creator fall? No! Be active in shifting the universe by aligning the spirit, and soul directionally.

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    Restraint the Missing Criterion

    21 months ago

    Restraint is what is needed before reaching for judgment, ensuring that one thing is completed by me, myself and I. I judge myself, not to be condemned by the judgment meted out to others. Making sure that I am the user of restraint to be enabled to allow judgment to be correct and right.

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    Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbour

    22 months ago

    Bearing false witness is a serious matter as the law judges and admonishes, that it is. Confronting this issue is not an easy task, however it is a directive which has to be considered, and corrected, in order for change to be progressive, mature, and continuous.

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    Water of Breath

    24 months ago

    Repentant breath keeps all things good and kind. There is so much beauty to see and to hear not to watch the things that are said and done.

  • Ode for Freedom

    Ode for Freedom

    2 years ago

    Freedom covers all, the sorrows of the living, dead and the murdered. It is what all hope and even pray for, all receive it and take it for granted. It is called breath, which translates in to the voice of freedom of speech, it is not neglectful of respectful tones of expression.

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    Seeking to Find

    2 years ago

    Beneath all collapsing thought, or in other words memories not in use. New thoughts come forth into perspectives based on inner design, for further inner dialogue with self. In all seeking, seek to understand yourself, and not give others the right to know you before you can.

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    Giving Thanks and Thanks Giving

    2 years ago

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    Happy Giving of Thanks Day

    2 years ago

    Giving of thanks has proven that waiting a year for a day to arrive to be thankful is a con game. Every second of the day and night there is breath locked up inside of me needing expression that only I can give. Thank you exclusively Creator for every created provision.

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    Critical "Word" Theory

    2 years ago

    Critical words and deeds leave scars that only can be healed by sorrow experienced and given. Repentance quiets even the silence of breath from uttering reproach.

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    The Time Card

    2 years ago

    The declaration concerning eternity is resonated in and throughout time. A birth certificate is like a time card of when you clocked in and a death certificate is like a time card of when you clock out. All done in time, depends on the right to repent of how time is spent in a lifetime.

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    Rows of Corn

    2 years ago

    1 Corinthians 11:15 - But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. Cornrows cover the scalp but work is done for the art of braiding, not for show, but established purpose for hair.1 Peter 3:3-4-Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning...

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    I Am Daughter

    2 years ago

    There are no objective truths in this poem, merely competing narratives.

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    Breathe to Repent - Repent to Breathe

    20 months ago

    Breath is of the utmost importance, and I realize that what I do with it for spirit ,and soul first and foremost activates my soul to active duty to think alongside the principles which under gird the word "repent" its strength gives understanding to what must be done to be heard and to hear.

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    Take the Sting Out

    2 years ago

    There is a focal point or concern on the manifesto matter regarding critical race theory, a problem that stems from a word which seems to be lodged in vocabulary, no matter if you hear it, or speak it. the effects are staggering in how to respond.

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    Breathe Now

    2 years ago

    How did Adam hear God walking in the cool of the day? The breath exhaled formed the walking of words that could be heard without using human voice. Adam responded with voice and words to the breath of God.

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    Thinking is Just

    2 years ago

    It is just to think, and thinking will generate the justice needed for thought. Selah in Scripture carries the incentive "pause to think" about what you have just read. The choice not to pause to think is present too, that grants one the free will of choice.

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    Breathe Now - Breathe Again

    2 years ago

    The victory of life, is the triumph of breath; How does breath win in a world we are all guilty of the wrong in it, repentance is the only freedom breath will ever know in order to conquer the war of words spoken by cruelty.

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    A Reverent Note

    19 months ago

    “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 (KJV)

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    Prayer the Carrier of Breath

    2 years ago

    Weeping does come in the night, dressed as a thief unto sorrow, interrupting rest; it suspends joy until the morning. Why weep and lament? There is loss happening at great speed that seems to be unstoppable, but with prayer it is counted as joy in the day and night.

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    History Has A long Tale

    2 years ago

    Serendipity is what the mood of history sets for occurrences and developments that the past has outlined; events by chance and reality in a beneficial manner when the truth is allowed to be told.

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    Repentance and Grief at Heart

    2 years ago

    Every purpose is established by counsel. (Proverbs 20:5) Where no counsel is the people fall; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14) Repentance is a counselor! It advises, instructs and corrects towards the performance of all righteousness.

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    Communications Are Not Conflicts

    2 years ago

    The human experience is however, much too complicated for cut and dry, or copy, cut and paste answers, thinking things through can be a cliche or the forgotten measure to ensure balance for effective communications without conflict.

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    Transpositional or Correctional

    2 years ago

    The mind is dependent upon the condition of the soul, is my soul repentant and able to show me errors and grant me the ability to correct them in a timely manner or do I deposit them in my memory unsolved, as just another unsolved mystery.

  • Proving Myself to Myself

    Proving Myself to Myself

    2 years ago

    I am is the highest authority on me, I am breathing and I am conscious of it as a reality. What is life without breath? The pandemic suggests to me that breath is in danger and that the only remedy for breath is repentance to the Creator who created it. Opening this application only breath can do.

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    A Practical Application

    2 years ago

    Inspiration comes in and through words which empower the being to consider the value and then perform the words as a practical application, bringing into fruition a doer of the word and not a hearer only who is capable of deceiving themselves.

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    Note to Zee Kay

    2 years ago

    This poem is the result of seeing a post and the words of my response inspired this poem

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    Life Cannot be Unsung

    2 years ago

    The Creator created all with beauty only symphonies can describe to the ear, the beauties of and in life can never be unsung.

  • The Womantle Called Mother

    The Womantle Called Mother

    2 years ago

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    Respecting Boundaries

    2 years ago

    I must admit that differentiating between not volunteering information about myself and concealing information is a slippery slope for conscience to explain via communication.

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    River of Respiration

    3 years ago

    Breathing is a conscious, yet underestimated process of being, Yet without breath life as we know it would fail to exist.

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    "Stimulus" - A Check for Balanced Response

    3 years ago

    Repentance is the response to sin, which is the defining characteristic of obtaining life eternal, as well as living natural or mortal life as time as the hour glass allows.

  • I Cannot Change the Past

    I Cannot Change the Past

    3 years ago

    I cannot allow myself to be defined by my past. Mistakes.are the lessons which makes today a work in progress.

  • R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for The Creator - My Tribute

    R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for The Creator - My Tribute

    4 years ago

    Respect for the will of the Creator/God is an act of worship, there is no true worship without the respect for set boundaries, or there will be trespasses without respect which only the individual choice of "I repent" can remedy to become the true worshipper that you are.

  • A Tainted Soul

    A Tainted Soul

    4 years ago

    The soul

  • Strife Introduced Judgment to Hatred

    Strife Introduced Judgment to Hatred

    4 years ago

    When the road so demented bends and curves, the question arises, why have you forsaken me love. Love doesn't forsake, you may just be experiencing the empty cold clutches of hatred. It like to masquerade. Wait for true love.

  • Charity and Clarity

    Charity and Clarity

    4 years ago

    Perspicuous: Plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation.

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    The Mortal Home

    4 years ago

    This hub is the result of watching the Wizard of Oz. The summation expressed itself through poetry.

  • Refreshing Waters

    Refreshing Waters

    4 years ago


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    Rising Up

    5 years ago

    What about the children, remember when we were children, being a child is needing to know how to repent and value the breath you have towards rising up and being raised.

  • Are Feelings Really Emotions or Demotions?

    Are Feelings Really Emotions or Demotions?

    5 years ago

    Demotions display themselves loudly in and through relationships, they are louder than emotions and have the propensity to shut an emotion down completely to replace it and place it in a negative state.

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    My Dearest Friends and Close Companions, "Repentance and Prayer"

    5 years ago

    Prayer is sticking closer than ever before, it is the covenant with repentance, that makes prayer so very sweet in this hour.

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    Judgment is Beautiful

    5 years ago

    And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: (John 16:8)

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    Love Doesn't Hurt People

    5 years ago

    Love is not the opposite of hate, lust is. The lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Love has no conflict with the hate that one chooses ignorantly when the choice to love is ignored, Love is still!

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    I am More than A Color

    2 years ago

    Being who you are, is more than any color or shade that you must wear!

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    The Need to Judge You is Not For Me to do

    5 years ago

    The need to please shouldn't omit being who you are, and working towards all that you can become.

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    A Sweet Fragrance

    5 years ago

    Dismissal of sin and unrepentance by repenting is to have the two offenders/perps taken into custody and thrown in the prison they belong in and not seek refuge in me.

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    To Yourself Be True

    5 years ago

    To Yourself Be True Notes to Myself (Living in understanding that the unexamined life is hazardous to my holistic health) is the premise of this prose, and it is just my soul reflecting, notes to myself, in the hope to inspire and encourage being.

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    Perspective Shift (Poem)

    5 years ago

    A perspective shift requires a disconnect from all, to connect with the Creator, transparency will lead to the transformation that is without flawed expectations.

  • Ideal or Idol

    Ideal or Idol

    9 months ago

    The only one who can never fill or serve as an idol is the Creator, and the Creator can never be a false god.

  • Repentance, the Fertility of Faith

    Repentance, the Fertility of Faith

    5 years ago

    Repentance doesn't end at the altar call to accept salvation. Somehow the ability to repent is the only thing that war is waged against, but the only spoil seized is unrepentance.

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    Who Broke Your Heart?

    5 years ago

    What is in my control is something I must take responsibility for, what others do is not something I can control. This is how this poem came about, who broke my heart, I did.

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    To Love Kindness

    5 years ago

    Virtue is conforming to a standard of right particularly, moral excellence, loving-kindness is one of the benefits of the virtuous lifestyle which should never be forgotten.

  • Everybody Hurts

    Everybody Hurts "A Transitional Analysis"

    5 years ago

    The roles that are given by and through parents are the basis for being and becoming who we really are; be it a daughter or son you are transitioned .into a family structure.

  • What Is Counsel?

    What Is Counsel?

    5 years ago

    Counsel is a beautifier, the heart and soul that inclines itself to counsel enriches life.

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    First Estate - First Love

    3 years ago

    Before the fall is where perfect beauty shouted glorious wonder, pure, untouched, and absolute: After the fall beauty had to remove the garments of perfection, and put on just ordinary attire.

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    "Humility" the Quiet One

    6 years ago

    Pride is a noisy and loud aspect of the character that is a threat to humility. Only the quietness of humility can extinguish it.

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    Faith is Relentless

    6 years ago

    Faith is relentless determination regardless of all opposition.

  • A Road Called Repentance

    A Road Called Repentance

    6 years ago

    All mistakes serve as a point of reference, not a place of residency. Point of references are marked for repentance. There is no hiding place from God.

  • The Sound of Rain

    The Sound of Rain "The Maestro" (Poem)

    6 years ago

    Writing poetry is therapeutic. Challenges, struggles, pain and all the onslaughts of this life is where the writer learns that their pen, paper, and blogs are where their voice lives.

  • My Soul Thirsteth

    My Soul Thirsteth

    6 years ago

    Creator, as I position myself before You, allow streams of repentant light to outshine all darkness that can hinder me.

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    Just One Long Day - "Grey Issues"

    6 years ago

    A grey sky appears when the sun is blocked by dark clouds. Grey issues of life appear when questions need answers which doubt can not mask with any disguises.

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    A Stellar Day

    6 years ago

    Have a wondrous day! Take in all the created beauty your eyes can behold. Listen to the chirps of the birds, look up behold the brilliance of the effulgent Creator.

  • Apostasy the Struggle

    Apostasy the Struggle

    7 years ago

    We all fall short of the glory of God, the trumpet that is sounding in this hour is Repent and turn back to God. It is a subtle thing, apostasy, so do proceed with caution. The universe is at hand!

  • Self-Quake


    7 years ago

    A self-quake is an uncomfortable place to be. It throws and tosses everything you think you are all around. Foundation in Jesus Christ will assist in putting things in their proper perspective.

  • A Tribute to You Creator as the Creator

    A Tribute to You Creator as the Creator

    6 years ago

    Why is it that acknowledgement of the Creator as the Creator is such a passive motivation? I can't answer for you. Can you see who created everything in the universe?Even the breath you breath?

  • Preserving the Wheat

    Preserving the Wheat

    7 years ago

    Preservation of the wheat is a figurative look at character that can be poisoned by tares, and intoxicate to the point of falling to sleep or ignoring behaviors that are not yielding good fruit.

  • We Celebrate the Life of Dana Elzi

    We Celebrate the Life of Dana Elzi

    7 years ago

    We are endowed with a hope for our beloved and for ourselves that goes beyond death, and the somber chords it echoes.

  • Moral Beauty

    Moral Beauty

    3 years ago

    Moral law is what provides us with the conduct and behavior that pleases God, it beautifies and assists us in being in His image and likeness.

  • Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me

    Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me

    8 years ago

    God is saying to each and everyone of us individually, as well as collectively, "I need you to focus on Me" so that you will have no other gods before and above me.

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    The Song Entitled "Repentance"

    6 years ago

    Life in time is only bearable because of the redeeming love of God towards us; that leads us to repentance because we did not nor can we ever create a world. Acknowledging who did inspires the need to sing the song I repent.

  • Ah Lord God!

    Ah Lord God!

    8 years ago

    This poem is the fruit created by the Word of God and the sharing and caring of my beloved Sister-in-Law as we communed with other via social media. Her words were as perfumed leaves.

  • Jesus my Help through the Storm.

    Jesus my Help through the Storm.

    8 years ago

    What was astounding was this storm had brought everything to a standstill. I have better understanding of what standstill and see the salvation of the Lord means, and be still and know that He is God.

  • The Fruit of the Lips

    The Fruit of the Lips

    8 years ago

    Taste and see that the Lord is good! What does that create after you realize how good He is is, it creates the fruit of your lips. (Hallelujah) Praise ye the Lord. You must taste and see for yourself.

  • Remember Israel America - Is it really Dejavu?

    Remember Israel America - Is it really Dejavu?

    8 years ago

    America will have to repent for driving God out of our culture, government, schools, homes, etc., by taken the Bible, prayer, and The Ten Commandments out of this society.

  • Climb Your Sycamore Tree

    Climb Your Sycamore Tree

    8 years ago

    There is a valid and valuable lesson in how Zaccheus ran with a relentless determination to see who Jesus was and to get a clear look at Him for himself, with no opposition or hindrance in his way.

  • Global and National Affluenza

    Global and National Affluenza

    5 years ago

    Judgment must first begin with me, in order that, if I judge myself, I will not be judged. Why? if I judge myself? In order that I may catch the beam in my own eyes before it impairs my sight.

  • This Present Light (Prose)

    This Present Light (Prose)

    8 years ago

    This poem came out of a conversation with a co-worker about a book entitled "This Present darkness" a book that came out in the late 80's. As I thought further this poem began to push through.

  • Christmas Is A Holy Day (POEM)

    Christmas Is A Holy Day (POEM)

    8 years ago

    Take a moment and celebrate the Holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ as you celebrate your Christmas. Have a blessed and happy day.

  • Atonement and Repentance

    Atonement and Repentance

    8 years ago

    We should make sure we do not take the Holy Spirit for granted.... Repent to Him for grieving Him in any way form, and fashion. Tell Him you apologize for getting in His way in all of your deeds.

  • God Speaks to Womanhood

    God Speaks to Womanhood

    8 years ago

    Who can encourage the spirit of a woman like God. If you know what it is to be cast down in spirit and soul, then you know what it is like to arise and shine and give God all of the glory.

  • Exclusive Love

    Exclusive Love

    8 years ago

    Emotions are always for one person or the other, but exclusive ones are emotions we use to love and worship God exclusively..

  • Consider the Cost

    Consider the Cost

    8 years ago

    To consider the cost we must think the matter through. Counting the cost means that we ask ourselves how much will a decision we are preparing to make cost us?

  • A Good Attitude is Everything

    A Good Attitude is Everything

    8 years ago

    In sharing this hub, it is my desire to encourage you to have a good attitude at all times. A good attitude is like putting on fine linens and garments washed in the Blood, Word and Spirit of God.

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    Respect For The Creator God

    8 years ago

    All of creation testifies and this life within me cries, I know my Creator (Redeemer) lives.

  • Father, Let Your Will Be Done!

    Father, Let Your Will Be Done!

    8 years ago

    Nevertheless, let thy will be done! Let us reproduce after His kind, in word and deed.

  • Look for the Highlights of the Day

    Look for the Highlights of the Day

    8 years ago

    What are your expectations for today? Do we acknowledge the Creator as the Creator who created life and who sustains it? Not only did He create, why did He create? To highlight and display His glory.

  • The Broken Pieces

    The Broken Pieces

    8 years ago

    Where do all the broken pieces go. Our lives are an enigma full of puzzle pieces that we need wisdom from above to know the placement. Broken pieces can form one piece again and become a masterpiece.

  • What Does the Lord Require of Us?

    What Does the Lord Require of Us?

    7 years ago

    Can you hear the voice of the Prophet Micah; to do justly, and to love mercy. and to walk humbly with our God? Then you are hearing the voice of prophecy! What you do with it will tell the story.

  • With His Stripes We are Healed!

    With His Stripes We are Healed!

    8 years ago

    The greatness of God is bigger than diseases. The word disease says a lot about what grief and sorrow can do, they take away and subtract from ease. We can't experience ease where there is disease.

  • The Creator

    The Creator

    2 years ago

    (Romans 1:25) Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen - All Praises to the Creator!

  • Be of Good Cheer! Jesus Christ has Overcome the World!

    Be of Good Cheer! Jesus Christ has Overcome the World!

    9 years ago

    We can see and experience the overcoming power that Jesus spoke of and good cheer emerges in the midst of tribulation, as we keep our lens clean and focus on Jesus Christ.

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    "Passage" the Pathway to Eternal Life (Prose)

    9 years ago

    Jesus Christ is the door which leads to the free passage we have to communicate with the Heavenly Father. The Word of God is our roadmap and the Holy Spirit is our guide to life eternal.

  • A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

    A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

    9 years ago

    We all need each at one time or another. Learning how not to put demands on each other is no easy task, but it is something we must learn to do, so that we absolutely depend on God. I recommend Jesus!

  • I Will Birth You! - Part 1

    I Will Birth You! - Part 1

    9 years ago

    The will of God through Jesus Christ birthed us. God was not willing that we should perish and was involved in reconciling us to Himself for His glory.

  • I Will Birth You! - Part 2

    I Will Birth You! - Part 2

    9 years ago

    These are they who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins; these are they who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, for they are without spot before the throne of God (Rev. 14:4, 5).

  • It is Well

    It is Well

    9 years ago

    Diligence is a relentless determination regardless of opposition. Jesus said, in the world we would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world.

  • Think About the Blood!

    Think About the Blood!

    9 years ago

    It is a choice we are given to speak life or death, the righteousness imbedded in the blood of Jesus declares life, He cancelled death through His blood. Why speak death when you can speak life?

  • The Righteousness of Christ is Our Mantle

    The Righteousness of Christ is Our Mantle

    9 years ago

    A mantle is something that covers you. Elisha knew the importance of a mantle and asked for a double portion of Elijah's mantle. The mantle of Jesus Christ covers us with His righteousness.

  • Life should be Perfumed with Appreciation

    Life should be Perfumed with Appreciation

    9 years ago

    Where is heart felt appreciation for others, which is void of and excludes finding their faults and failures, but rather their faith? It took their faith to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.

  • The Fallen Leaves

    The Fallen Leaves

    9 years ago

    Memories shouldn't be like fallen leaves, they are meant to be shared.

  • Autumn is Captivating

    Autumn is Captivating

    18 months ago

    What a benevolent, kind, magnificent, wonder filled, marvelous, and creative Creator and God we serve. Let your eyes qualify His greatness.

  • I Thank and Praise You Creator

    I Thank and Praise You Creator

    9 years ago

    Thanks and Praises are due The Creature of all things that consist. How can we see a sunset or sunrise and not give thanks and praises for the glories our eyes are allowed to see?

  • Remembering Mother Corbin

    Remembering Mother Corbin

    9 years ago

    I will always remember Mother Corbin's smile it always invited a hug. Even when thinking about her always wanting the hands closest to her to give her a hug from me.

  • What About the Children's Soul?

    What About the Children's Soul?

    9 years ago

    The school system opted out, took prayer out of the schools, the Bible can't be taught there. What chance does the spirit and soul of children have, if the home and the school is void of judgment?

  • Spiritual Mountains

    Spiritual Mountains

    9 years ago

    The place called worship and praise is a space you enter and occupy, ordained just for you to celebrate Your Father, Your Lord Jesus Christ and all that the Spirit has for you.

  • Gaining the Proper Perspective

    Gaining the Proper Perspective

    9 years ago

    If you value the Godhead and all those used for the building of the Kingdom. You will then value yourself and others and you are gaining the proper perspective... How to live a life of value.

  • The Love of God is our Umbrella

    The Love of God is our Umbrella

    7 years ago

    Forgiveness is a treasure out of the heart of God. It's the handle of the umbrella we raise called the love of God.

  • As We Forgive those who Trespass

    As We Forgive those who Trespass

    9 years ago

    These days it is not profitable to engage in conversations about people who are sin sick, the only stand to take is prayer. Prayer changes things including the one praying. it shifts the atmosphere.

  • Values Shape Our Decisions

    Values Shape Our Decisions

    7 years ago

    Your values are what you consider to be most important to you and your life. What you stand for. What you are willing to pay the price for and what you are willing to die for.

  • The Red Carpet Paved by Blood

    The Red Carpet Paved by Blood

    9 years ago

    Infamous or famed, and great or the least. There is a red carpet rolled out for you by the blood of Jesus Christ. The world could never afford to design such a pathway, only God the Father could.

  • New Doors are Continuously Opening

    New Doors are Continuously Opening

    8 years ago

    We can never relive yesterday, it is a closed door and a new day is here for us to experience, as we awaken from slumber, and a new door of life opens for us and we call it today.

  • If Mercy Had A Face

    If Mercy Had A Face

    8 years ago

    Mercy is a miracle beyond humanity's ability to create. Yet, we are given the ability to be kind, compassionate and merciful. Mercy has a face mirrored in grace. Be kind to one another.

  • 6

    The Beauty and Fragrance of Godlike Character

    3 years ago

    Character is a trait or distinguishable combination of traits. The fruits of the Spirit comprise the compilation and distinguishable combination of traits which assist in resembling God in character.

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    America Rise!

    9 years ago

    America Wake Up and Rise Up! Man and Woman up! Boy and girl up! Find your place in prayer. If it is not birthed in prayer, it is illegal.

  • Praise or Flattery!

    Praise or Flattery!

    9 years ago

    There is a saying that flattery will get you everything and everywhere, but I challenge you to consider praise and pure worship instead and don't pollute your praise with flattery.

  • Prayer: Our Conversations With God

    Prayer: Our Conversations With God

    9 years ago

    Prayer is the only conversation that I know of that unrighteousness and evil cannot control and it is exclusively a conversation that we can have with the Heavenly Father. Treasure it!

  • Whose Report will you Believe?

    Whose Report will you Believe?

    9 years ago

    We must be willing to be silent and to silence every voice that speaks in opposition to God's pronouncements to us in the world. Whose report will you believe and receive?

  • Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

    Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

    8 years ago

    Mercy spilled from the heart of the Good Samaritan and love stood with compassion and said, Behold I triumph over judgment and I will not cross over on the other side.

  • We Are Building A Tower of Prayer, Not Babel

    We Are Building A Tower of Prayer, Not Babel

    9 years ago

    And the Lord said, Behold the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

  • God's Sinless Love

    God's Sinless Love

    8 years ago

    God's love will always be sinless. It is not a quality that the sinful nature we inherited can comprehend. Verily only the born again spirit will see the sinlessness of God's love.

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    Heavenly Father, I Praise Thee

    8 years ago

    For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16). The reason to praise the Heavenly Father.

  • Loving God With All of Your Mind

    Loving God With All of Your Mind

    8 years ago

    Loving God with our mind is truly a treasure. This love is a royal spiritual diadem given to the soul to quicken it to resurrection power that springs forth to embrace the oneness that makes us whole.

  • Proclaim Yourself Blessed

    Proclaim Yourself Blessed

    9 years ago

    The word let is a mysterious aspect of speech. It suggests that something is hindering and prohibiting something from taking place. Prayer is the compass to believing God's will, to let it be.

  • Behold God's Grace and not the Mote!

    Behold God's Grace and not the Mote!

    9 years ago

    The Scriptures are what informs us whether our thoughts and actions are good or bad; right and wrong. But our conscience is how we judge ourselves in light of the information it provides us.

  • The Stones Won't Cry Out for Me

    The Stones Won't Cry Out for Me

    9 years ago

    Silence to the wonders of God and whispers about His greatness and majesty that are not heard will make the stones tremble, in doing so they praise Him, but with no audible voice. Praise ye the Lord!

  • Unveiled Countenance - Poem

    Unveiled Countenance - Poem

    7 years ago

    Arise, shine; for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. (Isaiah 60:1)

  • Define Your Identity

    Define Your Identity

    9 years ago

    The identity of other believers impact our lives tremendously and there is nothing more beautiful than beholding Christ in each other.

  • Blow the Trumpet in Zion!

    Blow the Trumpet in Zion!

    7 years ago

    Can you imagine what the reality and experiential results would be if all saints in every nation, land, region and country prayed on one accord everyday regardless of all our differences.

  • Light is the Broadcast of Creator God

    Light is the Broadcast of Creator God

    7 years ago

    There are reports broadcasted every day in this world. Whose broadcast is loudest? What speaks louder than God's Words to let there be light?

  • Assignments Pave the Way to Purpose

    Assignments Pave the Way to Purpose

    10 years ago

    Our purpose is by the divine decision and design of God. We can't grasp the full scope of our purpose without many assignments which pave the way.

  • Is Your Soul a Witness to (Psalm 139:14)?

    Is Your Soul a Witness to (Psalm 139:14)?

    9 years ago

    Can you declare to God what King David prayed? I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knows right well. Is your soul a witness?

  • The Word of God is our Spiritual Food

    The Word of God is our Spiritual Food

    8 years ago

    God's purpose is not about me or you, it is what He gives us to meet needs. To share meals with others, to dole our bread out to the hungry. It is amazing that there is always a spiritual and soul hunger in us for more.

  • Honorable Lord Jesus

    Honorable Lord Jesus "It is All about You" (Poem)

    10 years ago

    It is not about you, or about me, it is all about the Honorable Lord Jesus!

  • Mercy and Truth at the Cross (Poem)

    Mercy and Truth at the Cross (Poem)

    10 years ago

    Uninterrupted does mercy and grace meet our needs.

  • Tell Your Story to Jesus (Poem)

    Tell Your Story to Jesus (Poem)

    10 years ago

    Tell it to Jesus!

  • Now what will you do? (Poem)

    Now what will you do? (Poem)

    10 years ago

    Seek God with your whole heart so that I may find Him in everyway and everything.

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    The Beauty of Bare Trees

    4 months ago

    The barren tree can and will be adorned in time; the barren heart and soul can be filled which speaks of potential.

  • A Relationship with God is First

    A Relationship with God is First

    8 years ago

    Jesus Christ is both a representative of God and He is God. We can never go wrong with believing in Him first and foremost.

  • Let's Talk About Sin! Ugh!

    Let's Talk About Sin! Ugh!

    10 years ago

    Jesus exposed sin and shed His precious blood to provide us freedom from its unholy grip. Why should we allow it to intimidate us?

  • The Law of the King is Life

    The Law of the King is Life

    8 years ago

    Understanding that the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has freed us from the law of sin and death is operating from a vantage point only experiential in the spirit realm.

  • In the Presence of Jehovah (Poem)

    In the Presence of Jehovah (Poem)

    8 years ago

    In the presence of "Jehovah" God there is peace and safety.

  • God's Love is Healing our Countenance

    God's Love is Healing our Countenance

    9 years ago

    God's love can be likened to the rays of the sun that cancels all the rain. His love also chases away all of the pain.

  • This Enigma Called Life (Poem)

    This Enigma Called Life (Poem)

    7 years ago

    Defining moments are full of critical thinking and is the call to sober and serious thought. in order to make better decisions and choices. We are filling in the blanks to life's puzzle.

  • Thank You Lord for Loving Me

    Thank You Lord for Loving Me

    10 years ago

    Thanks be to God who always gives us the victory through the Honorable Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Honorable Father for Your love.

  • Jesus Christ is our Righteousness

    Jesus Christ is our Righteousness

    10 years ago

    Righteousness is imputed to us because we believe God; we access it through and by our faith in Jesus Christ. We need righteousness as a core value everyday to communicate with God.

  • I Have a Dream (Poem)

    I Have a Dream (Poem)

    9 years ago

    Remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Because it is the contents of our character that will ultimately determine who we are. A good tree brings forth good fruit which is good character.

  • Christ Makes the Difference (Poem)

    Christ Makes the Difference (Poem)

    10 years ago

    It is God that makes all the difference in our lives. With Him we are all that He declares we can be and are. Thank You Honorable Father for being who and what makes all the difference in us.

  • Your Majesty! (Poem)

    Your Majesty! (Poem)

    10 years ago

    It is by God's greatness and immutability, that we ascertain that He does not change, it is us who must change and travel from glory to glory, mortal to immortal, and from temporal to eternal.

  • All Majesty to Christ our King (Poem)

    All Majesty to Christ our King (Poem)

    10 years ago

    Hallelujah! Declare His majesty! He is our risen King!

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    Healing Rain

    9 years ago

    Healing rain is medicine that purges, and cleanses, it is ointment, but it is spiritual. Can you feel the rain?

  • Launch Out Into the Deep

    Launch Out Into the Deep

    8 years ago

    Launch out into the deep, study the Word of God, Pray always, yield to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Glory to God!

  • Blessed is the Man (Psalm 1:1)

    Blessed is the Man (Psalm 1:1)

    9 years ago

    The merciful heart understands the mercy they have received and can only want others to receive the precious gift as well. If you value mercy you will stay out of the hot seat called scorn.

  • The Helmet of Salvation

    The Helmet of Salvation

    9 years ago

    There is safety under the armor that is not experiential without it. The helmet of salvation is power packed. Put it on! Don't leave home without it.

  • Christ Born Anew in the Heart Everyday (Poem)

    Christ Born Anew in the Heart Everyday (Poem)

    9 years ago

    Christmas is the day of the year we celebrate the birth of Christ and it is a holy and special day indeed. Everyday can be just like Christmas when Christ is the theme of your heart and life.

  • Be not Conformed to this World (Romans 12:2)

    Be not Conformed to this World (Romans 12:2)

    9 years ago

    We are in the world and must live in it, but the world does not shape our ideals or values any more, the Word of God does. It is a matter of the Word of God over the world and its operating system.

  • Jesus Christ We Love You!

    Jesus Christ We Love You!

    9 years ago

    We always hear, and desire to know how much God loves us through Christ Jesus. But how much is He loved by us? I love You Jesus for all seasons, which means, I love you for all reasons.

  • Koinonia means Fellowship

    Koinonia means Fellowship

    10 years ago

    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. We are all on the same team, let's maintain the Spirit of Koinonia at all times, in the bonds of peace.

  • Theophilos means

    Theophilos means "Friend of God"

    10 years ago

    If we've received His love it will only reproduce after His kind, which is unconditional, and It translates into Agape. Friendship is a crown of honor.

  • Defining Moments

    Defining Moments

    8 years ago

    Your defining moment may drastically differ from mine, but the same thing happened to us both, we accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord!

  • Barriers, Borders and Breakthroughs

    Barriers, Borders and Breakthroughs

    10 years ago

    Patience is endurance; it is tolerance; it is staying power; it is a lack of murmuring and complaining, and it is fortitude.

  • Give a Hoot and Don't Pollute Your Praise

    Give a Hoot and Don't Pollute Your Praise

    9 years ago

    Open up the floodgates of heaven, let it rain, let it pour down all we need to examine ourselves in every area of our beings and make those changes we need. The floodgates are open!

  • (John 21:15-17) Loveth Thou Me?

    (John 21:15-17) Loveth Thou Me?

    10 years ago

    Making the decision to love Jesus is the best decision we can ever make. Accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord is the best choice we could have and can ever make with our right to choose.

  • I Bow to Yield and Yield to Bow

    I Bow to Yield and Yield to Bow

    10 years ago

    Yielding is giving God the brokenness sin has left us with, those hidden places, so that He can heal and channel His life through our submitted life and express Himself to the world through us.

  • The God who Sees - (El Roi)

    The God who Sees - (El Roi)

    9 years ago

    God sits high, yet, He looks low, real low, and he found us cowering in sin, lost and in need of salvation. I don’t think that He could have looked any lower than sin.

  • Take Courage with You

    Take Courage with You

    10 years ago

    Discouragement is a warning, like a cautioning yellow light, that your courage is on the line and battlefield. The American Indians call someone who does not lose courage, a brave.

  • Seek Ye My Face (Poem)

    Seek Ye My Face (Poem)

    10 years ago

    Prayer is an attitude we can be in all day, this is what heart to heart empowers us to do. After we have prayed, we end our call to God with Amen. Our way to say until we meet again most Holy Father.

  • Seasons are Subject to Change

    Seasons are Subject to Change

    9 years ago

    Everything must change, nothing stays the same, everyone must change, nothing and no one goes unchanged.

  • Defining our Spiritual Location

    Defining our Spiritual Location

    10 years ago

    "And hath raised us up together, and made us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:6).

  • The Creator is the Difference a Day Makes

    The Creator is the Difference a Day Makes

    10 years ago

    The Creator did not create or make a bad day, and sin can never turn any day into a bad day, but by interpretation, not revelation.

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    The Realm of the Natural - The Flesh

    4 years ago

    There are places in us where we need God’s touch and only His touch, no one else will do. There is a place we must get to in life, where we know, touchy places about us are marked for God's healing.

  • The Quake of Faith Being Shaken

    The Quake of Faith Being Shaken

    10 years ago

    Trust in God is the high mark for following Jesus. Jesus is the prime and true example of what walking by faith is all about. Why is it not advisable to walk by sight? You answer that for yourself.

  • Sisterhood is Supernatural

    Sisterhood is Supernatural

    9 years ago

    Remember we all have the same Heavenly Father. Sisterhood is a precious experience naturally and spiritually. Watch what you say, and do in the family of God about sisters and brothers too.

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